Trashtalk*studio is a living lab dedicated to help humans in cities reconnect with nonhuman systems. They offer business consulting, host talks and have an ongoing podcast. The client commissioned a rebranding that was young and edgy but serious and atemporal, with a feminine and straight forward voice. To achieve this, we developed a small caps logotype using a sans serif font. To enhance the name of the studio we used a star glyph, which is sometimes used as a way of censorship.
Apart from the logo, we made a brand identity with a graphic pattern and a clear editorial style to use mostly in digital applications, such as their social media and podcast channel. We also took still life images that represented a positive but realistic outlook on the worlds situation regarding plastic, working around the concept that nature wins after all. Finally, we teamed up with local photographer Sofía López Bravo to complement the brand with nature imagery.
Branding & Art Direction
Mariela Mezquita
Valentina Villa
Still Life Photography Mariela Mezquita
Nature Photography
Sofía López Bravo
January 2021
